Each element has a title, the main text, a date, and a unique key field called guid ( for globally unique ID), which is assigned when the item is created. 各元素都有标题、正文、日期和一个名为guid(“globallyuniqueID”的缩写,表示全局惟一ID)的惟一键字段,这个字段是在创建项目时指派的。
Primary key generation and unknown primary key field handling is now becoming supported, and more people are beginning to use it. 现在已经开始支持自动生成主键和未知的主键字段处理,而且越来越多的人开始使用它。
In this example, the PRODUCTNLS table holds the language-sensitive elements and has a language id as key field. 在本例中,PRODUCTNLS持有对语言敏感的元素,并使用一个语言id作为关键字段。
Don't map the Key field. 不要映射Key字段。
The only assumptions the code makes is that there is a single primary key field and that the name of that field is the name of the table plus_id. 代码的惟一假设就是只有一个主键字段,而且这个字段的名称是表名加上id。
The Key field of the intermediate object is computed using a JavaScript ™. 中间对象的Key字段是使用JavaScript™计算而来的。
Student ID is a key field linking the student's personal information with the jobs that he or she has worked, the clubs the student has belonged to, and the schools that the student has attended. 学生ID是一个关键字段,它用以连接学生个人信息与他或她从事过的工作、该学生从属的俱乐部及该学生上过的学校。
Each item contains the attributes of the data or key field. 每个项目都包含数据或键字段的属性。
Step parameters: same guideline as Parameters, and have at least one parameter set as key field ( default is NOT key field). 步骤参数:与参数的指导原则相同,并且至少将一个参数设置为主要字段(缺省为非主要字段)。
In this form, we can tell Domino which field is the key field and how this field maps to the DB2 key column. 在该表单中,我们可以告诉Domino哪个字段是关键字段,以及如何将该字段映射到DB2键列。
In addition, the key field specifies repetition elements. 此外,key字段指定重复元素。
The RentalLocation table can obtain all of its assigned vehicles through the Assigned Location primary key field in the Vehicle table. RentalLocation表可以通过Vehicle表中的AssignedLocation主键字段获取所有它分配的车辆。
So, in the case of the book table, there is a primary key field called book_id. 所以,在book表这个示例中,有一个主键字段叫做bookid。
In the Application key field, enter the same value that you specified for application ID in the workflow application in the ERP back-end network ( in this case, ZMATCR). 在Applicationkey字段中,输入您刚才在ERP后端网络的工作流应用程序中为应用程序ID指定的值(在本例中为ZMATCR)。
I'm sure that this exhibition will play an important part in expanding trade between our two countries, particularly in the key field of energy. 我确信,这次展览会在扩大我们两国间的贸易,特别是在能源这一关键领域内,将起到重要作用。
Key field evaluation character set 关键字段求值字符集
The key field you selected is not unique for the database table. Use it anyway? 所选的关键字字段在数据库表中不唯一。是否仍要使用?
Key field link. This cell stores the name of a cell which contains the value for a database key field. 关键字字段链接。此单元格存储含有数据库关键字字段值的单元格的名称。
Report is a measure of processing and analyzing data in every walk of life, general report design is a key field for researcher and designer, and it has been implemented in stand-alone and C/ S. 报表是各行各业整理、分析数据最有效的手段,通用报表的设计一直是研究开发人员的重点研究的问题,在单机和C/S结构中已经完好实现。
Inference control in databases is a key field of multilevel secure database system ( MLS-DBS) and is an important means to achieve database security. 数据库推理控制是研究高安全等级的安全数据库系统的关键技术之一,是保障数据库安全的重要手段。
Action-oriented vocational education is not only a key field in which advanced foreign experience can be explored, but also an important aspect of vocational teaching reform in our country. 行动导向职业教育教学是研究国外职业教育先进经验的主要领域,也是我国职业教育教学改革的重要方面。
The wizard has found a group of records with the same primary key field value but inconsistent values in other fields. 向导发现了一组具有相同主键值但其他字段值不一致的记录。
The security model is the core content in the trusted information system and the key field of the trusted computing research. 安全模型既是可信信息系统的核心内容,也是可信计算研究的重要领域。
View fields have been changed. The Update and Key field properties have been reset to the default values. 视图字段已经更改。更新和关键字字段属性重新设置为默认值。
Check to be sure the proposed primary key field ( s) could never contain duplicate values. 请检查确认建议的主键字段永远不包含重复值。
You must select a primary key field for accessing the database table. 要访问数据库表,必须选择某个主关键字字段。
The key field for phonetic study of Gan dialect will be focused on regional-features highlighted researches. 加强区域研究突出区域特征是赣语语音研究的重点。
Must be a character or numeric key field. 必须是一个字符或数值型的关键字段。
Arranging records in ascending or descending order of the key field. 以键栏数值上升或下降的次序安排。
The parameter used in the WHERE clause to identify the working record must match the DataKeyNames property, which is the key field for the displayed records. 用于标识工作记录的WHERE子句中使用的参数必须与DataKeyNames属性匹配,后者是显示记录的关键字段。